set kubernetes in local

19 May 2021

How to set Kubernetes in local ?
  1. install kubectl with sdk

  2. install k9s

  3. install helm

  4. set this code in terminal ( make sure you have done export gcloud command in terminal )

gcloud config set container/use_application_default_credentials true

gcloud config set account <user> && gcloud config set project new-fdn && gcloud container clusters get-credentials fdn2 --zone asia-southeast1-a

  1. download auth.json

  2. set export to your terminal

nano ~/.zshrc

#add this

source ~/.zshrc
  1. kubectl config get-contexts

  2. kubectl config use-context

  3. kubectl get nodes ( this command will thes connection from local to server )

  4. run k9s -n dev

  5. enter your cluster